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Choose The Right Topic For Your Doctorate

You are sure your want to go for the PhD degree but still unsure about the topic to base your research on. First, you are not alone. Too many research candidates have struggled with a similar dilemma. Here are a few tips for you to make the right choice for your doctorate:

  1. Explore: Try to read as much as you can on the topic of your interest. This is would give you a good idea of the work that has already been done in your field of interest. Explore more ideas and get as much exposure and knowledge on the research being done on what you might have thought of as part of your PhD doctoral research.
  2. Look within: No one can push you to choose or select a topic for your research. Only you can do it. Remember that you are expected to become a master of your subject at the end of your work and for that you may end up spending a considerable number of months or even years to finish. If you are not keen on a subject or area of work, you will not be able to dedicate yourself to it.
  3. Narrow it down: A great number of PhD aspirants make the mistake of covering too vast an area of a subject in their research. PhD is about depth and not width. Therefore, narrow down your subject area in order to creat the perfect PhD doctorate for yourself.
  4. Check for duplication: Granted that you hit upon the idea all by yourself. But that does not mean that someone else already hasn’t. The last thing you would want is to find out that you were outdone long ago.
  5. Take advice: Talk to your peers, colleagues, guides, professors to see what they have to suggest for you. You would be surprised how many roads such discussions would open for you to think about.

Choosing the doctorate will perhaps be the most important decision you take for your career and life as well. Therefore, take you time to comtemplate and weigh the issues that you foresee. As with all decisions, you are the best judge for yourself. If you start well, you can expect it to end well. Its a long route upwards to your Phd degree and to get the best out of your experience, choose your topic wisely.

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